Contact: Amy Smith, Communications
Phone: 615.749.6860
Date: 08/25/2017
Nashville, Tenn.— Our children are watching. They see angry disputes, hear news reports of violence, and witness outbursts marked by distrust and disrespect. What are they to make of it all and how will they learn the skills of self-control, fairness, generosity and cooperation?
The United Methodist Publishing House announces a new resource, Love In A Big World, an engaging and fun-filled curriculum designed to help kids turn from risky behaviors and choose to live faithfully through meaningful encounters and conversations with caring adults. Available in both faith and community editions, this flexible and customizable curriculum provides relevant and diverse stories, life lessons, and the opportunity for kids to learn to love themselves, love others, and change the world.
Focusing on the character development of kids in grades K-8, Love In A Big World gives leaders effective ways to cultivate twenty-four important character traits using active learning with a fully-packed menu of optional activities from which to choose.
Love In A Big World’s faith edition is ideal for weekday or other group programs in churches. The community edition is suitable for use in schools and youth organizations serving kids of all faiths across a variety of settings, including morning meetings, advisory periods, after school programs, mentoring initiatives, and camps. The activities can also be integrated with English Language Arts, Social Studies and Related Arts.
To learn more about Love In A Big World, download samplers, or to purchase resources, click here. Also please join the conversation about kids and character on social media @loveinabigworld.
The United Methodist Publishing House is a publisher and distributor to Christian clergy and laity, with primary responsibilities for the publishing and distribution for The United Methodist Church. The Publishing House is a fully self-supporting agency and receives no general church funds.