Published on Friday, July 19, 2024


Nashville, TN – Maria Mayo, a nine-year veteran editor with UMPH who has shepherded scores of projects and cultivated popular authors including A J Levine, Tom Berlin, and others has been named Senior Editor and will lead our general adult studies publishing program starting August 1. In addition to the record of achievements in acquisitions, content development, and coordination of publishing activities, Maria brings a strong academic background having completed both her MDiv and PhD at Vanderbilt University under the mentorship of Dr. AJ Levine.

Maria wins high praise from colleagues and authors for her deft work in shaping projects to assure reader appeal and utility.  She blends in-depth theological insights, superior editorial skills, and empathy for the people who choose, use, and value our resources for inspiration, edification, and spiritual formation.

Maria draws from a deep well of appreciation for the sacred dimensions of life that animate love of God and neighbor. For eight years she shared an incredible journey with her son, Walter who was both an embodiment and source of grace as he grappled with illness that led to a heart transplant and his death due to cancer. That journey of struggle, times of triumph, and enduring love has gifted Maria with reverence for tender mercies and faith that surpasses understanding. Her work is one of the ways she shares signs of hope and healing with others.

We are thrilled that Maria continues to invest her tremendous talents and imaginative approaches to publishing with the people we seek to serve.

Please share your delight and encouragement with Maria as she assumes her new duties.

About The United Methodist Publishing House

Founded in 1789 as the Methodist Book Concern, The United Methodist Publishing House (UMPH) is a publisher and distributor of Christian resources for congregations, clergy, and lay leaders, with primary attention given to the needs of The United Methodist Church. UMPH is a fully self-supporting general agency of The United Methodist Church and receives no general church funds. Its primary publishing imprint is Abingdon Press (, and the retail and distribution operations are known as Cokesbury (



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Author: Chari Greer

Categories: Press Releases

