

The Board of the United Methodist Publishing House Meets in Nashville

October 25, 2017

NASHVILLE, TN – The Board of The United Methodist Publishing House (Cokesbury and Abingdon Press) completed its annual meeting on October 25, setting their sights high for ongoing and new publications and services to aid congregations in reaching more people in more places to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

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UMPH Staff Donate Supply Buckets for Hurricane Harvey

This week the staff at UMPH donated items and volunteered to pack supply buckets for UMCOR (The United Methodist Committee on Relief) to send to Texas to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey. A total of 55 buckets will be shipped out!

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Love In A Big World Launches

Nashville, Tenn.— Our children are watching. They see angry disputes, hear news reports of violence, and witness outbursts marked by distrust and disrespect. What are they to make of it all and how will they learn the skills of self-control, fairness, generosity and cooperation?
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Bishop Robert H. Spain Retires as Chaplain to The United Methodist Publishing House

NASHVILLE, August 24, 2017— Staff and special guests gathered at The United Methodist Publishing House (UMPH) on August 24 to celebrate the ministry and service of Bishop Robert H. Spain as their chaplain.
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Update on Strong for a Moment like This

Nashville, TN - Abingdon Press has published today Strong for a Moment like This: The Daily Devotions of Hillary Rodham Clinton by UM pastor Bill Shillady.
We learned yesterday, August 14, that the devotion for November 9, 2016, the day after the election, was not attributed as it should have been. News of this omission was shared with CNN by the pastor whose blog post was used as a source after CNN published an excerpt from the book and featured the November 9 devotion. On the afternoon of August 14, CNN published another article with the headline, "Hillary Clinton's Pastor Plagiarized Portions of New Book."
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