

Abingdon Press Awarded Multiple Honors in the Heart of Award Season

Abingdon Press was awarded with five trophies from the 2016 Christian Retailing's Best Awards at a special announcement ceremony held at the International Christian Retail Show (ICRS) festivities in Cincinnati, Ohio. The offerings were evaluated on their ability to speak to people’s hearts and evoke emotion, open people’s minds to new ways of thinking, and encourage and affirm Christ-like living. 
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UM Publishing House Dedicates Georgia Harkness Library

Nashville, Tenn.—Staff of The United Methodist Publishing House (UMPH) gathered on June 10 to dedicate the library in its new headquarters building in the name of theologian and Abingdon Press author Georgia Harkness. 

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United Methodist Church Approves New Hymnal

(Portland, OR) May 17, 2016 - The General Conference of The United Methodist Church voted to take decisive steps leading to the eventual approval of a new collection of hymns, tunes, and liturgical resources for worship. Approval was given to form two new groups that will review and recommend material to be included in a new United Methodist Hymnal.

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Author J. Ellsworth Kalas Dead at 92

(Nashville, TN) – Abingdon Press is saddened to share that their longtime ministry partner and author J. Ellsworth Kalas, died November 12, 2015 at the age of 92.

J. Ellsworth Kalas (1923-2015) was the author of over 35 books and close to 30 studies including the popular Back Side series which looked at biblical topics from a different perspective, A Faith of Her Own: Women of the Old TestamentStrong Was Her Faith: Women of the New TestamentI Bought a House on Gratitude Street, and the Christian Believer study, and was a presenter on the popular DISCIPLE Bible study videos. In 1993, he became part of the faculty of Asbury Theological Seminary, where he served as president and then as senior professor of homiletics. He was a United Methodist pastor for 38 years and also served five years in evangelism with the World Methodist Council.

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Robert Sipp Joins UMPH As Continuous Improvement Project Manager

We are excited to announce that Robert Sipp has joined UMPH as our Continuous Improvement Project Manager.

Robert will be working across departments leading operational improvements that help UMPH be more effective and efficient, guiding the use of Lean tools and methods across UMPH. 

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