

Tamara Fyke Joins UMPH As New Ventures Project Manager

We are pleased to welcome Tamara Fyke to UMPH who is serving as New Ventures Project Manager.

She brings rich experience in working with teachers, parents, and students to promote moral development and social learning. She will lead in conceiving and implementing new product and marketing efforts addressing pre-teens and youth and will manage liaison relationships for related projects with other partners.

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Historical Treasures - United Methodist Publishing House

NASHVILLE, TN - As The United Methodist Publishing House prepares to move to a new location in the MetroCenter area of Nashville, they have been reviewing their historic collections that include hand presses, publishing equipment, and a significant library.

“As the headquarters of publishing for The United Methodist Church, The United Methodist Publishing House has over the years acquired these artifacts and books that help to connect us to our heritage as a people of faith, as a movement, as a church, and as publishing entity,” said Neil Alexander, President & Publisher of UMPH. Part of the library collection includes a noteworthy group of general books printed in various languages during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, all in various stages of disrepair. The majority of these books are part of the collection that came to UMPH from the Western Book Concern when that facility closed in 1939. These books have not been in active use at the Publishing House library because of their fragile nature and have been stored apart from the general collection.

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New UM Hymnal Project Endorsed

Nashville, July 30—The United Methodist Publishing House and Discipleship Ministries (the General Board of Discipleship) announce that their respective boards have endorsed legislation to be submitted to the 2016 General Conference of The United Methodist Church that, if approved, would begin the process of developing a new official hymnal and provide for ongoing revision of the hymnal in the future. A new hymnal collection would be offered to the 2020 General Conference for approval and be available to congregations and communities of faith upon final approval.
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