

Committee on Correlation and Editorial Revision Completes Work on General Conference 2019 Legislation

The Committee on Correlation and Editorial Revision (CCER), a standing committee of the General Conference, met during and immediately after General Conference 2019 to execute its duties to correlate all legislation passed by the General Conference.

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Forward Thinking to Develop New Digital Tools

NASHVILLE, November 2018 – The United Methodist Publishing House (UMPH) assembled a group of over 50 clergy and church leaders for an intensive three-day assessment of current and future use of digital resources. The group is a subset of the 63-member advisory panel representing churches of many sizes and types, and they gathered at UMPH’s Nashville headquarters November 12-14 as part of a year-long project of systematic research in ministry applications for digital media.

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UMPH Board Calls for Focus on Congregations

Nashville, October 2018 - The Board of Directors of The United Methodist Publishing House eagerly affirmed initiatives to build up the capacity and effectiveness of congregations and annual conferences during their annual meeting in Nashville October 23-24.

The Board pledged to implement strategies for reaching and receiving more people in more places through evangelistic hospitality and resonant worship in order to deepen relationships with Jesus Christ and encourage servant ministries.

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The United Methodist Publishing House: Listening & Learning

Nashville, October 2018 - The United Methodist Publishing House (UMPH) has launched an intensive project to gather insights about effective ministries in congregations across The United Methodist Church. At a recent learning event for staff executives, a local pastor, an associate clergy member, and an elder spent several hours along with their district superintendent painting a vivid picture of congregations and their ministries. Representing local churches ranging in size from 8 in Sunday worship to 425 members, the pastors described evangelistic outreach, vibrant worship, cross-congregational collaboration, working on community issues such as health care, drug addiction, education, and hunger, and creative ways for people to engage in life-changing Bible study.

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New Book of Discipline Errata Includes Changes Related to Paragraph 50

September 14, 2018

New Book of Discipline Errata includes changes related to Paragraph 50

A new edition of the Book of Discipline 2016 Errata is now available which includes changes to paragraphs 408.3, 410, and 422. These changes were tied to a constitutional amendment on Paragraph 50 of the Constitution that was passed by the 2016 General Conference and subsequently ratified by the members of the annual conferences. The ratified amendment was published in the Errata in May 2018, but the paragraph changes were not included at that time.


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