

Former Associate Publisher Mary Catherine Dean dies at 65

Nashville, July 24

Dear Friends of UMPH:

It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of Mary Catherine Dean Monday afternoon. Many of you will have known her as the Managing Editor/Editor-in-Chief of Abingdon Press.  

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UMPH Receives 2018 Best in Benefits Award

UMPH received a 2018 Best in Benefits Award from Milliman.

Milliman is among the world's largest providers of actuarial and related products and services. Founded in 1947, Milliman is an independent firm with offices in major cities around the globe.

The award is given based on a combination of the richness of an organization's benefits coupled with the amount UMPH pays towards them. UMPH is one of five Middle Tennessee companies to receive the award.

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New UM Hymnal Timeline to be Revised

Nashville, July 5—Discipleship Ministries and The United Methodist Publishing House, the supervising agencies of the new United Methodist hymnal who are working with the Hymnal Revision Committee, announced today a plan to revise the timeline for work on the hymnal. A progress report will be shared with the 2020 General Conference, and a final report will be submitted to the 2024 General Conference for review and approval.

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UM Hymnal Revision Committee Holds Inaugural Meeting

Nashville, March 21— A diverse group of laity and clergy, musicians, scholars, teachers, and worship leaders blended their varied experiences to affirm in one voice that it is God’s ruach—God’s breath—that brings all creation to life, inviting every living thing to praise the Lord.  With joyful thanksgiving that all creation comes alive when we inhale God’s Spirit and then exhale in unbounded praise, the Hymnal Revision Committee of The United Methodist Church held its inaugural meeting March 19-21 at The United Methodist Publishing House in Nashville. 

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The Board of the United Methodist Publishing House Meets in Nashville

October 25, 2017

NASHVILLE, TN – The Board of The United Methodist Publishing House (Cokesbury and Abingdon Press) completed its annual meeting on October 25, setting their sights high for ongoing and new publications and services to aid congregations in reaching more people in more places to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

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